Ten Days of Awe – Ten Days of Prayer – Day 9

Today, 9 Tishrei, is the ninth of the Days of Awe.

Day 9: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and that they who love her would prosper, pray that peace would be within her walls and prosperity within her palaces (Psalm 122:6,7). Pray for Jerusalem to become the City of Truth, and to acknowledge Messiah Yeshua as her King of Kings. Pray for Believers to understand that Jerusalem is also a Bride, and that she will come down from Heaven and her sons will then marry her. Pray for Believers to rise up and truly become her appointed watchmen (Psalm 48:2; Isaiah 62:1-7; Zechariah 8:3; Matthew 5:35; 23:37-39; Revelation 17:14; 19:7,16; 21:2,9; 22:17).

Taken from Israel’s Feasts and Their Fullness by Batya Wootten, available for purchase at Amazon or directly from the publisher here.

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